Terms of service.


Please thoroughly review and read all  terms and conditions of Lit Adventures LLC and litadventures.net  herein referred to as LA. The addressee of this notice will be the only recipient of this booking receipt and terms and conditions. It is the sole responsibility of the addressee to inform all other parties traveling of the contents of these terms and conditions. In other words,The client who confirmed the booking is deemed to be the designated contact person for all other clients named in such booking.The booking passenger, by accepting this receipt and making payment to LA, acknowledges that they have: i) have read and understand these Terms, and ii) indicate your express acceptance of and agree to be bound by these Terms.

These Terms and Conditions (the “Terms”) apply to any travel products, services and or experiences from Lit Adventures LLC. and govern the contractual relationship between you, Lit Adventures LLC.Please note this Terms & Conditions document is valid for all Travels organized in whole by Lit Adventures LLC and not in conjunction with any other party or tour operator associated with a given trip.

BOOKING ACCURACY/LEGAL NAMES:  Passenger is required to immediately review all aspects of their booking to verify (but not limited to): passenger names, mailing address, email address, telephone number, date of birth, pricing, airfare, arrival/departure airports, accommodations, and organized activities on your booking receipt. Please notify LA immediately if any omissions and/or corrections are needed regarding the booking details. Passenger(s) voluntarily assumes full & sole responsibility for any and all risks and/or costs involved with failure to report such errors and/or omissions. Passengers are required to verify the accuracy of the passenger’s LEGAL first & last names. It is mandatory that guest names be identical to the Passenger(s) LEGAL first and last names and identical to the names as they appear on booking and travel documents.

TRAVEL DOCUMENTS:  Passenger(s) assumes sole responsibility to independently confirm all documentation requirements for all passport, visa, vaccination, or other entry and/or travel requirements of each destination. Passenger(s) assumes sole responsibility for, and hereby releases LA from any claims or responsibility for any and all damages incurred as a result of Passenger(s) failure to comply with applicable documentation requirements, including but not limited the requirement that all Passengers procure, and have on their person the proper travel documents at all times. LA recommends the Passenger(s) consult with the appropriate domestic and foreign governmental agencies for the current document requirements. 

Suggested reference materials for passport, visa, health requirements as well as travel advisories:For US Citizens: http://travel.state.gov


 Prices and availability quoted by LA are not guaranteed until deposit is fully paid. Pricing and availability may change without notice. Passenger agrees that LA is not responsible for any errors or omissions in any quotes, advertisements, including on our website, resulting in inventory, content, or pricing discrepancies nor is LA responsible for any errors or omissions that may occur as a result of incorrect information from third parties. Suppliers reserve the right not to honor any published prices that it determines were erroneous due to electronic, printing, or clerical error. You acknowledge this right and agree to hold LA harmless for any actions or damages arising from Supplier pricing.

LA reserves the right to charge Passenger(s) for any increase in taxes, fees or surcharges (i.e. fuel). Passenger(s) acknowledge this right and agree to pay any such additional taxes, fees, and surcharge.


 LA accepts Visa, American Express, Discover, and Mastercard. Failure to remit payments on a timely basis will automatically put your booking at risk of cancellation. Please contact us immediately, and in advance of your payment due date, if you will be unable to meet this obligation. Without limitation, Passenger(s) voluntarily hold LA  harmless for cancellation of any booking for either late payment or decline of a credit card. 


a) Total Payment. The Total Payment is due prior to the start date of the getaway (the “Payment Due Date”). Please note the Payment Due Date may vary according to your getaway. You will be notified of the payment schedule upon booking. If the company does not receive your total payment on or before the payment due date, the company may cancel your reservation and you will forfeit your deposit and the amount paid thus far. The full payment is non-refundable and non-transferable to a different getaway or trip.

b) Deposit. Your Deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable to a different Getaway or trip. You may request to have your deposit applied to another participant’s registration for the same Getaway prior to the Payment Due Date, however it will be your responsibility to find this participant.

Late Payment: Failure to make a payment within ten days of the agreed upon date is a breach of contract and may result in the cancellation of your experience if you miss multiple payments, if you are having trouble with making a payment you must email Litadventuresta@gmail.com to notify the Company of a potential late payment and you will incur a $30 late fee. Lit Adventures LLC maintains the right to assign your spot to the next eligible client on the waitlist. 


You may cancel your participation in a Lit Adventures LLC Experience at any time, but please be aware of the following cancellation policy: All cancellations or no-shows are subject to penalties imposed by the supplier. If you require a copy of these terms, please contact the supplier or your agent at LA.

Cancellation by LA: LA reserves the right to cancel your reservation if your total payment is not received on or before the Payment Due Date and you will not be eligible for any refunds of any amounts paid (including the deposit). LA further reserves the right to cancel the Getaway prior to the Departure Date in the event an insufficient number of registrants are confirmed for the Getaway or for any other commercial reason in LA’s sole discretion and, in such an event, you will receive a full refund of the amount you remitted to LA, but in no event will LA be responsible for any other amount, including preparation costs, airfare, travel documents, or any other Losses or claimed damages.

CANCELLATION By Client: Any cancellation of a booking and/or a service by a Client must be delivered to LA in writing and be acknowledged by LA in writing. Bookings/services are NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERABLE between persons. It is recommended that clients PURCHASE trip cancellation coverage. Trip cancellation insurance is the only means of receiving reimbursement for flights and other non-refundable expenses should you cancel your trip for any reason, whether voluntarily or as a result of Lit Adventures LLC’s actions.


    • Our vendor(s) -- hotels, guest speakers, excursion companies, etc. -- require upfront commitments that we must adhere to. When we offer a package to you we have to ensure, through good-faith payments, that you will attend.

Group-Experience Cancellation It is a commitment to bring these experiences to our guests and, therefore the deposit is non-refundable and ALL payments made towards the balance of your trip are non-refundable 7 days after the payment is made, including late fees, full payments and installment payments. The ONLY exception to this policy is if the trip must be cancelled in its entirety for any reason in which case Lit Adventures LLC will notify all parties via email and provide refund instructions.

Unforeseen situations may present themselves to our guests and for those circumstances, situations and occasions we HIGHLY recommend that you purchase Travel Insurance to cover your assets.

Lit Adventures LLC is not responsible for any incidental expenses or consequential losses that the Client may have incurred as a result of the cancelled booking such as visas, vaccinations, non-refundable flights or rail, non refundable car parking or other fees, loss of earnings, or loss of enjoyment, etc.

Clients purchasing Products are highly recommended to purchase comprehensive cancellation for any reason insurance, to the extent such insurance is available under the laws governing each client's country of origin.



Lit Adventures LLC shall NOT offer or pay any discounts or refunds for missed or unused services which were missed or unused by the Client due to no fault of Lit Adventures LLC or our Experience designers  which shall include any termination of the Client’s participation in the tour Product due to the Client’s own fault, negligence or breach of these Terms. 


 Travel insurance protection is Strongly Recommended. As your travel agent, we have a professional responsibility to recommend the purchase of travel protection to protect both you and your vacation. While we do offer coverage through certain carriers, we cannot compare all the policies or companies currently in the marketplace. This responsibility rests solely with you, the customer and we advise you to do your research and find coverage that best fits your individual needs. SYW is limited to advising you of the need for such coverage.

By declining travel protection, you acknowledge and accept liability for any cancellation penalties, damages and/or out–of-pocket expenses incurred.  You also acknowledge and accept responsibility for arranging and paying for any treatment in case of a medical emergency while traveling. Please note that if you decline this type of coverage, you have waived your right to this important coverage and your confirmation will note “declined” next to the travel protection section of your confirmation. If you HAVE purchased travel protection, please remember to review your confirmation for accuracy and call us immediately if you believe you have travel protection and your confirmation indicates declined. Failure to contact us will be considered a waiver of travel protection.



The Client agrees that while participating in any getaway or trip, product images, photos or videos may be taken by other Clients and/or Lit Adventures LLc’s representatives or Experience Designers that may contain or feature the Client in part or in whole. The Client acknowledges that they consent to any such pictures being taken and agree that Client hereby grants a perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable license to Lit Adventures LLc, its affiliates and assigns, to reproduce for any purpose whatsoever (including marketing and promotions), in any medium whatsoever, whether currently known or hereinafter devised, without any further obligation to the Client or compensation payable to such Client.


By and in consideration for being permitted to participate in the Getaway, you irrevocably grant LA and its agents and representatives all rights to use, reproduce, display, exhibit, publish, distribute, and/or produce derivative works based on your image, likeness, and voice as recorded by any camera and/or on any video, audio, and/or other media (collectively, “Likeness”) worldwide, in perpetuity, without compensation, payment, or other additional consideration of any kind, for any lawful purpose, including without limitation for marketing and trade purposes. You agree that your Likeness may be used, reproduced, displayed, exhibited, published, edited, or distributed by LA at its sole discretion. You understand that your Likeness may be used in various publications, promotional or marketing materials, and/or social media, unrestricted by time or geographic area and consent to such uses. You further understand and grant permission to LA and its agents and representatives to electronically display any Likeness of you on the Internet or in other public settings. You hereby waive the right to inspect or approve any and all materials in which your Likeness may appear. You further waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of your Likeness. This release applies to all photographic, audio, and/or video recordings collected as part of, in connection with, and/or during the Getaway . There is no time limit on the validity of this release nor is there any geographic limitation on where materials including your Likeness may be used, reproduced, displayed, exhibited, published, and/or distributed by or on behalf of LA


 The Terms and Conditions may be amended or modified by LA at any time without notice.  It is therefore essential that you consult the Terms and Conditions prior to making each and every booking, particularly in order to ensure what provisions are in operation in case they have changed since the last time an order was placed by you.

Only those who have accepted the Terms and Conditions and affirmatively indicated their consent to be bound by the Terms and Conditions may make a booking with LA.  Without this acceptance any order is subject to cancellation at any time.

The failure of LA to act with respect to a breach of these Terms and Conditions by you, or others, does not waive its right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches. LA does not guarantee it will take action against all breaches of these Terms and Conditions.

SEVERABILITY:  If any provision of this agreement shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.